Horizontal gene transfer is the transfer of genetic elements between species. The microbial world is filled with examples of this phenomenon. This article is the first in a 3 part series that will explore the ever fluctuating genetic world of our microbial majority.
Escherichia coli is perhaps the most well studied and utilized bacterial organism on the planet. This bug also has the capability for a wide range of illness in humans including: non-pathogenic, enterohemorrhagic (such as popular strain 0157:H7), enterotoxigenic, and uropathogenic. The question is obviously raised--how can the same organism have such pathotypes, and what allows it to be versatile enough to thrive in such different environments as the urinary tract vs. the intestinal tract.
An article coming out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison shows that E. coli consists of a general common backbone that is nearly 100% identical across strains, yet only takes up 75%of the genome. However, they

These islands are distinct from each other, the surrounding genome, and the corresponding areas in other strains. However, the striking similarity between islands of different strains is that they all seem to be located in nearly the same locations.
Furthermore, strains of the same pathotype tend to have the same/similar genes located in islands (see figure below)--but not necessarily in the exact location or orientation. These islands tend to occur in areas at tRNA regions--commonly utilized by bacteriophages for integration.

What this means as a whole to the definition of species is to me, yet, unclear. Strains of E. coli all share a distinct backbone of metabolic genes, but differ drastically in their specialized regions. How do we decide which belongs in a species?...especially when we differentiate humans from chimpanzees (only ~6% genetic differences).
Welch, R.A. (2002). Extensive mosaic structure revealed by the complete genome sequence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(26), 17020-17024. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.252529799
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