Blogging for Bacteriophages has seen a rapid increase in traffic over the last two months. Page views jumped dramatically this fall (Nearly 60% from the summer averages and 130% from the spring)
So thank you! It delights me to no end that there are individuals who take the time to peruse my site. It is funny to think that this started as a study mechanism for me, and turned into a wonderful little hobby that others are benefitting from.
In order to make this site easier to read, explore, and interact with, I am in the process of reformatting the site. Hopefully this will go easily, and may even be finished by the end of today. (Though I can give no promises)
Most importantly, I can not stress this enough, I would greatly enjoy feedback on the articles here. Feedback on everything from the science itself, to how I communicate the science, to new topics, etc. This is ever important to me. So, to facilitate this, I plan on opening up the comments section. I hope that with the great increase in readership, this comments section will be used.
I am also interested in having guest posts, with an interest in hearing from fellow graduate students in the field. I can not offer payment, although free advertising is available. I would also consider sending prints of some of my Phage Artwork in return for articles used.
Thank you!
Most importantly, I can not stress this enough, I would greatly enjoy feedback on the articles here. Feedback on everything from the science itself, to how I communicate the science, to new topics, etc. This is ever important to me. So, to facilitate this, I plan on opening up the comments section. I hope that with the great increase in readership, this comments section will be used.
I am also interested in having guest posts, with an interest in hearing from fellow graduate students in the field. I can not offer payment, although free advertising is available. I would also consider sending prints of some of my Phage Artwork in return for articles used.
Thank you!